Adwords Rs.4000 Credit
Add Per Click Rs.4000 Credit
Landing Page Free
Minimum 50 Assured Leads
Enquire NowAdwords Rs.8000 Credit
Add Per Click Rs.8000 Credit
Landing Page Free
Minimum 100 Assured Leads
Enquire NowAdwords Rs.14000 Credit
Add Per Click Rs.14000 Credit
Landing Page Free
Minimum 200 Assured Leads
Enquire NowBefore going for Pay Per Click Marketing, Website need to optimise for suitable products & services keywords. Pay Per Click strategy is based on the quality of Advertisement and landing page.
If You want to advertise limited products & services at a time, you need to go for a landing page that display product & services in Proper Manner. Advertise with us & Get Free Landing Page!
To create a campaign we need to collect proper keywords that match to our product & services and best suit to our business. Inbound traffic within these keywords on website generate leads for business.
Every unique click on an add at particular keywords cost us money. We need to monitor unique clicks and their referring ip address & hence refferring city for better traffic on the website.
Search Impressions and unique Clicks on an add. Percentage of interactions(Clicks) from total add impressions is know as CTR (interaction rate). Higher the CTR, better is add performance.
Total Cost of all the unique clicks from all campaigns is known as cost of Advertising. Add Per Click Work on Prepaid Model. Hence you have to prepay your advertising budget for business leads.